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купить Death Game+ / STEAM Key / Region Free / ROW / GLOBAL у ashaserv1ac1985297ab

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Death Game+ в STEAM!
БЕЗ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ (Rest Of World (ROW) - Region Free / World Wide Steam Key)!
Об игре: "If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" Totally. In fact, all your friends are actually jumping into spikes now, like it's some kind of weird new hang out thing. Is this the new planking? Anyways, there's this competition. Some rich dude got bored and now it's a race to your grave. Whoever wins the gauntlet is set for life, not that it'll matter, being dead and all. Die before everyone else, and win a prize! No one bothered to ask what the prize was, and in hindsight, they definitely should have. Oh, well. Why you should try Death Game: Race head first into spikes! Bounce your enemies to death! Lock your fellow humans out! Make your own custom levels, and share them with your friends! Play the original Game Jam levels! Send the Developer angry emails! Jam out to SUPER GAME MUSIC! And much more!
Features: Campaign; Level Editor; Dynamic list of your levels; Play through the original Gamejam version! (We'll admit, we prettied it up a little!)
После покупки необходимо:
1. Скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/about (если еще не установлен);
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий;
3. В верхнем меню окошка Steam откройте пункт "Игры" и выберите там «Активировать через Steam».
4. Введите ключ активации, нажмите "далее" - игра активирована.
5. После активации ключа игра отобразится в списке "Библиотека Игр", отсюда вы сможете ее скачать/установить, а затем начать играть. Гарантия на момент активации. Продавец рекомендует активировать товар сразу же после покупки. Гарантийный срок хранения неактивированного товара - не более 3 (трёх) суток с момента оплаты.
appID:830810, License packageID:255993
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